by KenFaulkenberry | Oct 28, 2018 | Investment Analysis
A dividend stocks analysis checklist that goes beyond more commonly used or popular metrics which might not be effective in the real world. There are some lesser known metrics which provide better indicators of future performance. We can use these to gain an advantage in analyzing dividend stocks.
The dividend stocks analysis checklist is divided into 4 sections: Company Analysis, Dividend Safety, Earnings Quality, and Valuation.
by KenFaulkenberry | May 19, 2018 | Portfolio Management
Asset Allocation is where investors make their biggest investing mistakes. Portfolio volatility is lowered by combining low or negatively correlated assets.
by KenFaulkenberry | Mar 26, 2018 | Value
The purpose of Shiller PE 10 is to provide long term risk to reward analysis based on earnings and current prices. Used properly, PE 10 will guide you to asset allocation decisions that improve long term returns and lower your risk of large portfolio drawdowns.
by KenFaulkenberry | Mar 21, 2018 | Investment Basics
As investors we all have the common goal of increasing our portfolio value. But how often do we really consider the factors that determine the value of our portfolio? Here are the five factors that affect the value of your portfolio the most!