Dividend Stocks Analysis Checklist
A dividend stocks analysis checklist that goes beyond more commonly used or popular metrics which might not be effective in the real world. There are some lesser known metrics which provide better indicators of future performance. We can use these to gain an advantage in analyzing dividend stocks.
The dividend stocks analysis checklist is divided into 4 sections: Company Analysis, Dividend Safety, Earnings Quality, and Valuation.
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Cash Flow From Operations (CFO) is the cash inflows and outflows of a company’s core business operations. It is an important line on the cash flow statement.
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...PEG Ratio: Useful or Obsolete Valuation Metric?
Several decades ago, when Peter Lynch popularized this ratio, simple metrics such as the PEG ratio served a valuable purpose; providing valuation guidelines for investors to follow in an era when metrics weren’t easily accessible. The trade off between price and growth is a concept every investor should understand.
...Earnings Yield & How to Calculate Earnings Yield
Earnings Yield in its simplest form is earnings dividend by price. It is expressed as a percentage of the investment value and is the reciprocal of the price/earnings (PE ratio).