by KenFaulkenberry | Sep 23, 2017 | Investment Analysis
The market capitalization calculation is an important and useful stock valuation formula for investment analysis. Market capitalization (a.k.a. market cap) is the total market value of all the company’s outstanding equity shares. This represents the total value the market has placed on the value of a company’s common stock.
by KenFaulkenberry | Jun 10, 2017 | Investment Analysis
Free Cash Flow determines whether a company has sufficient cash resources to meet the goals of the entity and its’ stakeholders (debt reduction, dividends, stock buybacks, acquisitions, etc.).
Free Cash Flow Yield determines if the stock price provides good value for the amount of free cash flow being generated.
by KenFaulkenberry | Mar 18, 2017 | Investment Analysis
The Gross Profitability Ratio is gaining credibility in value investing circles because it provides valuable and predictive qualitative analysis when combined with valuation metrics. Some analysts argue it is the single best qualitative metric with which to compare multiple stocks (particularly within the same industry) that have already been determined to be bargains.
by KenFaulkenberry | Feb 18, 2017 | Investment Analysis
Dividend Coverage Ratios allow analysts to evaluate the safety of a company’s dividend. Many investors concentrate on the dividend yield but don’t give sufficient attention to the safety of that dividend.
In the long run companies must create enough cash flow to pay expenses, invest in the future (capital expenditures), service their debt (if any), and return money to shareholders.
by KenFaulkenberry | Feb 4, 2017 | Investment Analysis
Dividend yield is the annual dividend per share of a company compared to the price of the stock expressed as percentage. In other words it tells you the percentage dividend return the stock owner receives on the current price of a stock.
The dividend yield has historically provided approximately one-half of long term total stock market returns to investors. It’s a little less than one-half for those who take their dividend and little over one-half for those who reinvest their dividends.
by KenFaulkenberry | Jan 28, 2017 | Investment Analysis
Dividend Payout Ratios provide us valuable information on how much money a company is returning to shareholders and their ability to pay and increase the dividend. One of these ratios is far superior to the other.
The Dividend Payout Ratio and the Cash Dividend Payout Ratio are compared to find out which is better at providing pertinent information to differentiate between various dividend paying companies.