5 Most Important Factors to Increase Your Portfolio Value
As investors we all have the common goal of increasing our portfolio value. But how often do we really consider the factors that determine the value of our portfolio? Here are the five factors that affect the value of your portfolio the most!
...Purpose of Financial Statements Analysis
The purpose of financial statements is to provide pertinent information on the financial position (Balance Sheet), profitability (Income Statement) and operating, investing, and financing activities (Cash Flow Statement) of a company.
...3 Steps to Avoid Repeating Investment Mistakes
We review 3 steps to avoid repeating investment mistakes: identify mistakes, analyze reasons for investment mistakes, and find replacement actions.
...Fundamental and Technical Analysis: What is the Difference?
We’re going to examine the difference between fundamental and technical analysis. Fundamental stock analysis is the process of financial statement analysis. Technical analysis is the forecasting of the future price of a financial asset using primarily historical price and volume data.
...Explain Bonds, Bond Terms, Price and Yield, Types of Bond Risk
This post teaches the basics: what a bond is, bond terms, the relationship between price and yield, and the two main risks of owning bonds.