Investment Diversification
Use investment diversification of non-correlated assets to minimize unsystematic risk. This is the only “free ride” available to portfolio managers.
...Reinvesting Dividends Benefits
...What is the Difference Between Saving, Investing, and Gambling?
Recognizing the differences between saving, investing, and gambling will help you compartmentalize each, and avoid common mistakes. It’s an easy mistake because not enough people think it through, and the terms are used interchangeably in our culture. Keeping saving, investing, and gambling three separate activities in your mind and in your account structure will help you be more successful managing your money and growing your wealth.
...3 Types of Investors – Which Type Are You?
There are 3 main types of investors today; each with their own characteristics and results: The buy high sell low investor, the index investor (passive management), and the value investor.
...10 Investing Principles Fundamental to Successful Outcomes
There are fundamental investing principles that apply to each of us whether we are seasoned portfolio managers or a novice investor. Here are 10 investing principles fundamental to successful outcomes.