Maximum Drawdown and the Concept of Probable Maximum Loss
Determining your probable maximum loss and choosing an equity asset allocation that is consistent with your decision will allow you to control your maximum drawdown.
...Asset Allocation Categories & Guidance
Asset Allocation is where investors make their biggest investing mistakes. Portfolio volatility is lowered by combining low or negatively correlated assets.
...Strategic Asset Allocation: A Failed Model?
A strategic asset allocation model is one in which the mix of portfolio assets is fixed according to the individual investor’s profile. The percentage of assets allocated to cash, bonds, stocks, real estate, etc. is set according to the investor’s goals and strategies, current financial status, and risk tolerance.
...Inflation Guide: Asset Allocation Based on the Inflation Trend
This inflation guide explains why the inflation trend should be a major consideration in your portfolio asset allocation. Then we examine each inflation trend and analyze which asset allocation categories should be considered or avoided for increasing inflation, disinflation, and deflation.
...34 Investment Strategies and Rules to Make You a Better Investor
The most important attribute of successful investors is discipline in following a set of investment strategies and rules. In other words you don’t have to have a high IQ, a high education, extensive experience, or even great instinct.
You can be a successful investor by being disciplined in following a set of investment strategies and rules that guide you through bull and bear markets, times of greed and times of fear, and periods of high risk and periods of great opportunity.